Blood Battery Action Network
Protecting People and the Planet
Companies that manufacture phones and electric cars justify using child labor in cobalt mining by claiming that customers want cheap products. You can tell everyone that you're willing to pay a little more for your batteries to stop child labor.
Make a statement against Blood Batteries by offsetting the cost of your phone's battery by paying ¢.50 per gram of cobalt. Because there are about 10 grams of cobalt in a mobile phone battery, that's an extra $5. We'll send you a Blood Battery Action Network Pop Socket for your phone so everyone will know you're willing to pay a little extra to end child labor.
For Tesla drivers, your car contains about 9,072 grams of cobalt. That's a lot of cobalt and an offset at ¢.50 per gram would be $4,536.00. We'd be happy to send you a Pop Socket as well.